Tuesday, February 6, 2007


The combined area of these two small villages, or 'willages' as my students would say, is protected by UNESCO. 17th Century dukes or princes from Liechtenstein owned vast land holdings in southern Moravia and the chateaus were built there as summer palaces.

We approached from the south and began to wind through the very rural village. We were not expecting much from the run-down homes on the outskirts and old men grimacing as they rode their bicycles past, but that scene changed abruptly as the road took a sharp right.

Suddenly elegant spires soared towards the heavens and trees abounded. The estate house in Lednice is incredible! It's surrounded by a massive English garden and greenhouse with the Dyje River quietly winding along beside it. The building had quite a collection of ornate sculpture jutting out from every possible space. As well as a handful of sculptures scattered throughout the gardens.
From its 'backyard' you could see the late 1700's Turkish minaret across the lake in the distance some 7km away. I believe the minaret was given as a gift to the ruling Liechtensteiners.

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