Saturday, December 30, 2006

Oświęcim (Auschwitz)


What can I write about this? On one hand I want to eviscerate my memory of the experience and leave it all here, but I also don't want to trivialize the absoluteness of the place itself by relating my personal feelings as they could never scratch the surface of the pain, suffering and inhumanity dispensed at the hands of ideological zealots some 60 years ago.

Everything from the twisted quote (Arbeit Macht Frei) that hovers above the one and only entrance to this and most of these complexes was pulsing and vibrating in an eerie and unsettling way.

I can, however, say that the museums are arranged in a manner that leaves visitors with no doubt about the degree of mental instability necessary to carry out the largest 'experiment' in genocide ever known to humanity.

Strange way to end the year.....

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