Saturday, January 20, 2007

Hockey Time!

So, G was way on top of her game and she scored two tickets to the cross-town death match between Sparta and Slavia. These are Prague's two biggest teams. Loaded with young talent, these guys draw a vicious and rabid crowd every time they meet. Hockey is, after all, the Czech's favorite sport.

We had the most expensive tickets at 160 Crowns (8$) and we were right in the middle of the middle deck. Perfect view of the whole scene. To our right sat the outnumbered Slavia fans banging their drums, yelling and popping balloons. To our left the home team crazies lead the chanting for the rest of the Sparta fans.

Speaking of Sparta fans, they were clearly the dominant group in the joint. Slavia had handfuls of supporters scattered throughout, but they seemed to be precariously perched among the most unruly Spartans. I think I saw more fights and agression from the Sparta fans than the players. Nice one!

The game was held at the T-Mobile Arena in Prague 7 - Holešovice, which is Sparta's home turf. A fair sized place, they had sausage and beer stands galore. As the beer was 22 Crowns I had four. Again, nice one!

The arena was PACKED! Every intermission the place emptied while people ran to the toilets and beer stands. I made my runs 3 minutes before each intermission and never waited in line once. These folks weren't gonna miss one second of play. It was a good game, but the home turf boys lost this match by 1 goal in the final minutes with the score 4-3 Slavia.

Only in the Czech Republic would the Zamboni be replaced by.....The golden girls of hockey?


Unknown said...

Wow, nice one:)

Bram Fiebelkorn said...

It ain't the Golden Girls of Hockey until I see Betty White with stick in hand cross-checking Beu Arthur ...what false advertisement.